عودة إلى المساق

Nano Degree for Programing & Technology

اكتمال 0%
0/0 Steps
  1. C++ / Session 1: Introduction

    Introduction to programming with C++ Preview Video - Nano Degree
  2. Introduction: What is programming? - Nano Degree
  3. Translating Code: Compilers, Assemblers, Linkers, and Loaders - Nano Degree
  4. Setting up an IDE - Nano Degree
  5. Hello, World! - Nano Degree
  6. C++ / Session 2: Basics
    Hello World! 2 - Nano Degree
  7. Hello World! 3 - Nano Degree
  8. Variables - Nano Degree
  9. Data types - Nano Degree
  10. Input and Output - Nano Degree
  11. Operators 1: Arithmetic operators - Nano Degree
  12. Operators 2: Compound assignment, increment and decrement - Nano Degree
  13. Operators 3: Operators and data types - Nano Degree
  14. C++ / Session 3: Making decisions
    Operators 4: Relational and logical operators - Nano Degree
  15. Example 1 - Nano Degree
  16. Making decisions: if statements - Nano Degree
  17. C++ / Session 4: Repetition
    if-else and nesting - Nano Degree
  18. Switch statements - Nano Degree
  19. While loops - Nano Degree
  20. do while loops - Nano Degree
  21. C++ / Session 5: Wrapping up
    for loops - Nano Degree
  22. break and continue statements - Nano Degree
  23. Scope - Nano Degree
  24. Example 2 - Nano Degree
  25. Errors 1: Compilation errors- Nano Degree
  26. AI / The history of AI
    Errors 2: Runtime and logic errors - Nano Degree
  27. AI Preview Video - Nano Degree
  28. AI Definition - Nano Degree
  29. AI Roadmap - Nano Degree
  30. Intelligent Systems Components - Nano Degree
  31. Required Skills and Competencies - Nano Degree
  32. AI / Types of AI
    Outcomes and Expectations - Nano Degree
  33. Types of AI - Nano Degree
  34. Narrow AI, General AI, and Super AI - Nano Degree
  35. Reactive Machines and Limited Memory - Nano Degree AI
  36. CS / The Internet
    Cybersecurity 101 Preview Video - Nano Degree
الدرس 28 من 36
في تقدم

AI Definition – Nano Degree

التعرف على مفهوم الذكاء الاصطناعي وعلاقته بالذكاء الانساني مع ذكر بعض الجوانب التي يؤثر عليها مثل الرعاية الصحية, السلامة المرورية, الزراعة, توفير فرص عمل نوعية والتخلص من بعض الوظائف المكررة والتي يمكن استبدالها بوظائف فعالة.